BRIEF // Fan-favourite brewery Garage Project was launching a special project - trialling a set of brand new hop varieties developed by Plant & Food Research and New Zealand Hops. Hops so secret that they can't even be named. Seriously, I asked.
GP wanted to match these new varieties to appropriate beer styles and release them to the drinking public. They would be put through rigorous testing, both in a working brewery setting and in the refined mouths of New Zealand's burgeoning beer aficionados.
Flying Whities pitched a design approach that reflected the new lines mysterious scientific beginnings, would appeal to the true beer geek and get people involved in a true taste experiment. Putting aside the general designer-shtick of less-less-less, we asked the GP team for more info, more numbers, more science. And then we put it all on the can.
The result is a two plate can print on white base coat 440ml cans. 3D renders by Andrew Martis, design and print assist from Ben Johnson.
Get your geek on

Hop Trial numbers 1 and 2. A symphony in medicinal science colours.

LAUNCH POSTER / Hop Trial no. 1


LAUNCH POSTER / Hop Trial no. 2. No.2 was released some months after no.1

TAP BADGE / no. 2